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Find and Select Better Materials Today: Free Training by ecomedes

October 19, 2021 @ 2:00 pm3:00 pm

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Drastically reduce the time it takes to search for the best materials for your LEED or green building project, learn how to list a product, automate a product’s LEED documentation process with one click, and promote a product as “Verified for LEED” by attending this free interactive demo. Learn about GBCI’s Better Materials Initiative and its Unified Search feature that allows you to search across all leading global material platforms simultaneously in one go as well as enjoy a real time interative demo from ecomedes, Inc. (one of the leading global material platforms). Check out this amazing tool before, during and after program:

Architects, designers, facility managers and anyone who is in charge of selecting materials and products for a healthy, sustainable, high performance space will benefit from this training. Manufacturers, vendors and distributors that have materials and products for green buildings will learn how to list your product, automate your product’s LEED documentation process with one click, and promote your product as “Verified for LEED.”


Schedule at a Glance

  • Virtual lobby opens (5 minutes before training)
  • Welcome / Introductions / Announcements (10 min)
  • Training & Live Demonstration (30 min)
  • Interactive Q&A (20 min)
  • Session Concludes (on the hour)

Learning Objectives

Course Participants will gain the following skills and knowledge

  • Understand how the USGBC Better Materials Platform is constructed from industry certification data and when to use this tool for material selection.
  • Learn how to streamline your ability to document LEED contribution for building products via the “Verified for LEED” program
  • Learn how to use the Ecomedes tool option to: 1) Discover building materials that meet project sustainability goals; 2) Conduct comparison of sustainable building products; 3) Analyze energy and water impact of building materials; and 4) Create documentation for LEED projects
  • Learn names of the 5 platforms participating in the Better Materials Initiative program and where to find them


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