Florida For Good will be hosting two community meetings on the following dates and times. You are encouraged to attend as We will review our impact and growth, challenges, and new strategic direction starting in 2024. This should be a quick 20-minute presentation and thereafter I will open the call for questions and discussions. I hope to hear your insights, thoughts, and suggestions, so please bring on your best strategy hat!
- Thursday, November 30th 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST –
- Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89678731300?pwd=SndqSWZXWjU4cElmWGcvM3laekRudz09
- Thursday, November 30th 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
- Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83981407918?pwd=NWJKUjAxc21UTU1pOXB5WGVNTit4QT09
Both calls will be hybrid (zoom and in-person). I am grateful to Legacy Vacation Resorts for allowing us to use their facilities for this meeting. Please respond to this email by Friday, 11/17 if you will be attending in person, and for those coming out of town, let us know if you will need any room accommodation.
I look forward to seeing all of you. If you are unable to attend, you are welcome to send someone to represent your organization!!