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Find help during the Coronavirus impact 0n the tourism industry

Moving Forward: Using Travel as a Force for Good

The COVID-19 pandemic presented many industries across the world with an opportunity to reexamine the way they conduct business and the impact of those operations on the world and society as a whole.

Over the past few months, we have seen incredible stories of camaraderie and support from companies and organizations committed to helping others. That spirit should endure as we move forward into a new era for the tourism industry. An era in which people, the planet and profit are viewed as equal pillars of success in any organization. Now is the time to come together and share best practices, helpful guidance and informative resources.

Sustainable and responsible travel will now be at the forefront of traveler’s minds when planning a trip, so how will your business provide them with viable options? How will your travel company keep them comfortable in a post COVID-19 world where cleanliness, health regulations and safety are another major concern? How will you transparently communicate your commitment to these factors with guests, as well as your employees and workforce?

The B Tourism platform hopes to serve as a resource for all of these needs and beyond, in addition to inspiring companies to use their business as a force for good against a variety of issues from inequity to greenwashing and corporate greed.

Let’s all come together for the betterment of our world.


The House Small Business Committee’s loan guide includes FAQs geared toward small businesses to walk them through the loans available in the CARES Act. These include PPP, EIDL, debt relief, and more.

Access FAQ

Omnibus and Coronavirus Relief Bill
Enacted Into Law on December 27, 2020

The December Omnibus and Coronavirus Relief Bill (H.R. 133) includes a desperately needed second round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds for distressed small businesses, including enhanced loans for restaurants, hotels, hospitality, and travel-related businesses, which have experienced severe revenue reductions.

Here is a quick comparison between the CARES Act that was signed into law in March 2020 and the new COVID Relief Bill that was signed into law on December 27th.

Credit to American Hotel & Lodging Association for the comparison graphic.

Summary of the December 2020 COVID Relief Bill

Federal Financial Support

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EIDL Loan Advance – SBA

EIDL Loans are open again. This is a disaster loan available through the SBA. This has been previously closed, but it has reopened with funds available.

Retention Tax Credit

A short-term refundable payroll tax credit for businesses that retain their workers. Business would receive 50% of wages paid during the crisis, & up to $10k of the credit would be refundable.

Paycheck Protection Program

This loan program provides loan forgiveness for retaining employees by temporarily expanding the traditional SBA 7(a) loan program.

Video Explaining the PPPFind a List of LendersPPP Calculator

SBA Debt Relief

The SBA is providing a financial reprieve to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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SBA Express Bridge Loans

Enables small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 quickly.

Delay of Employer Payroll Tax 

Will allow the employer’s share of the 6.2% Social Security tax that would otherwise be due from the date of enactment through 12/31/20, to be paid on 12/31/21 (50%) and 12/31/22 (50%).

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

Gives all American businesses with fewer than 500 employees funds to provide employees with paid leave, either for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members.

Small Business Guide to DOL Guidance FAQ

AHLA’s labor counsel, Ulman Policy, created this FAQ to help hoteliers navigate the DOL’s guidance as it relates to COVID-19 legislation and requirements.

Unemployment Insurance FAQ

House Ways and Means put together this FAQ to go through the expanded unemployment insurance following the enactment of the CARES Act.

Opportunity Fund

A coronavirus relief fund that will provide grants and low-interest-rate loans for small businesses owned by women, immigrants, and people of color.

Federal Main Street Lending Program

Program to support lending to small and medium-sized businesses that were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

SBA Coronavirus Pandemic Disaster Loans Comparison

Compare all aspects of the PPP to the EIDL to the SBA Bridge Loan to the SBA Express Loan to the SBA Debt Relief Program.


Funding opportunities, networks, mentorship, and resources for all Black business owners.

Mainvest’s Main Street Initiative

Launch a capital raise on Mainvest and you may be eligible for a $2,000, zero-interest loan for restaurants or other brick and mortars affected by the shutdown.

Local Futures Gift Card Program

When a customer buys a Local Future for $50, the business also gets cash today. The difference is in how the customer redeems it. The customer must continue to spend money at the business to redeem their savings.

National List of Cash Relief Resources

CASE and CASE i3 at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business launched a searchable website to help for-profit or nonprofit entrepreneurs struggling to locate cash relief resources.


Partnerships and resources expressly developed for the purpose of empowering and growing small businesses created by all those entrepreneurs who identify as part of the military-connected community.

Hispanic Small Business Center by Hello Alice

Find everything you need for your business to start, survive or thrive, updated daily.

State of Florida Financial Support

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Rebuild Florida Business Loan Fund

The funds will address the current gap in available, affordable capital for businesses that can be used for inventory purchases, construction, working capital, equipment financing and more.

Microfinance Guarantee Program

Access to credit for entrepreneurs and small businesses in Florida by providing targeted guarantees to loans made to such entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund

The fund will assist local organizations helping those in Northeast Florida affected by this public health crisis.

Hospitality Industry Relief Fund

Providing immediate financial support to independently owned & operated restaurants/bars impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.

Free Insurance Policy Reviews

If you have insurance coverage for Business Interruption, Morgan Law Group can can review your policy and identify possible coverage for a claim.

Short Term Compensation Program (FL)

Permits pro-rated Reemployment Assistance (RA) benefits to employees whose work hours and earnings are reduced as part of a STC plan to avoid total layoff of some employees.

State Small Business Credit Initiative

Provides loans and/or loan participations to commercial lenders, credit unions, and Certified Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs) that extend credit to small businesses in Florida.

Guidelines For Re-Opening

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Planning for the Return to Occupancy

Cozen O’Connor answers your questions following their webinar on how to prepare when shelter-in-place and other restrictions impacting guest travel have been lifted.

Labor & Employment Guidelines

Fisher Phillips has developed labor and employment guidelines for businesses to consider when planning to reopen.

Reopening Guidance Tracker by State

Get live-updated details on the Executive Order on Re-opening Guidance.

Track Your Sustainable Development Goals

Learn about, manage, and directly improve your company’s sustainability performance.

CDC Guidelines for COVID in the Workplace

FAQ for suspected/confirmed cases, reducing the spread, healthy business operations and cleaning.

Travel in the New Normal

Industry guidance for promoting the health and safety of all travelers. Prepared by U.S. Travel Association.

Hotel Recovery and Limited Operations Checklist

A check list for hotel signage, employee protection, protect public areas, prevent the spread of infection, and start-up practices for building systems after shutdown.

Return to Worksite Toolkit

Consideration overview topics when bringing employees back to a work setting.

Hotel Re-opening Checklist

A checklist to help you re-open public areas, guest rooms, exterior and other areas.

SBA Preparing to Reopen Guide

We recommend you develop a well thought out plan for when you can open again.

Enhanced Industry-wide Hotel Cleaning Guidelines in Response to COVID-19

The following health and safety guidelines represent best practices for the hotel industry, in accordance with CDC guidelines, during the re-opening phase of the economy.

Live Timeline of Hospitality News

Hospitality Net introduced a live timeline with relevant and industry-specific coronavirus news, resources and external updates.

Go Paperless

It’s a great time to activate a “Go Paperless” policy.

Track COVID-19 Business Expenses

By keeping close tabs on the costs you’re incurring now, you’ll be in a better good position to leverage benefits.

Communicate to Employees

Employees need regular communication in times of crisis like the coronavirus – like guidance on effectively working from home and support to protect their health and wellbeing.

Legal & Human Resources FAQ

AHLA is actively compiling FAQs from membership on important legal & human resources questions that face your business.

Operations FAQ

AHLA is actively compiling FAQs from membership on important operations questions that face your business.

Booking Sites’ Cancelation Policies

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Global Cancelation Waiver Program – a mechanism that will see every property in its portfolio that is enrolled.


If guests requested cancellations as a result of Force Majeure, Booking.com will waive the commission in these cases.

Hotel Chain Cancelation Policies

Get an insight into how hotels worldwide are dealing with the need to support travellers’ extenuating circumstances amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Travelocity & Orbitz

Eligible for a full refund for hotels booked in specific destinations by people who are not a resident of these countries.

Sexual Assult & Domestic Violence Support

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National Domestic Violence Hotline

Abuse is about power and control. When survivors are forced to stay in the home or in close proximity to their abuser more frequently, an abuser can use any tool to exert control over their victim, including a national health concern such as COVID-19. In a time where companies may be encouraging that their employees work remotely, and the CDC is encouraging “social distancing,” an abuser may take advantage of an already stressful situation to gain more control.

Get help without saying a word. Online chat is available 24/7/365 HERE. Or call the hotline at 800-799-7233

Victim Service Center of Central Florida

24/7 Crisis Hotline is available for people who experience sexual assault during this time and need a forensic exam evidence collection kit done. Can also be used for brief crisis prevention (15 minutes or less).

Call 407-500-4325

Harbor House of Central Florida

24/7 hotline staffed by Advocates to help people get through this time when they may be in close quarters with someone who is abusive.

Call 407-886-2856 or click HERE.

Mental Health Resources

As we enter this new and unprecedented phase of the pandemic, we are inundated with guidelines about how to keep ourselves and our families healthy and virus-free. Yet a key item on the list — social distancing — poses unprecedented challenges to our mental and emotional well being, and requires consideration. The risk may be especially high for our children, who are suddenly cut off from school and friends.

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Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Click HERE and/or call 407–253–1900.

Scientific American: COVID-19

Dealing with Social Distancing

Peer Support Space

Click HERE

Mental Health Association

Click HERE

APA Coronavirus Resources

Click HERE